5 tips for a balanced diet

The Food Pyramid was the basis for designing a “balanced diet “, until doctors and nutritionists discovered that it was wrong because it increased appetite and worsened metabolism keto tortilla recipe.

Neither medications to decrease appetite, much less willpower are enough to reverse the effects of stomach malfunction, but the recommendation to lose weight was still to diet and eat less.

Therefore, instead of relying on will power, science has modified the balanced diet to lose weight. In this sense, it is important to determine the cause of overweight to adequately determine the ideal diet, as explained in this video:

Recommendations for a balanced diet

1) Proteins manage to modify the hormones that control appetite, causing the feeling of hunger to decrease.

2) Your diet must take into account the time of day (circadian rhythm). Eat breakfast when you get up (maximum in 60 min.) To prevent anxiety attacks in the afternoon. It is possible to take lactose protein when you get up and finish having breakfast later.

3) Even without hunger it is necessary to have breakfast until you are more than satisfied.

4) Also, at this time it is advisable to include any carbohydrate.

5) Replace junk food with sugar-free sweets with an effect similar to whole fiber.

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