Tips and Tricks for Sea Fishing

To keep in mind 

Important when tying a knot, wet (moisten) the thread. In this way it slides and fits perfectly. 

Regarding the fish, they will come close to the coast in search of food when the waters are rising and they will retire with the downspouts, ideally in general, the last two hours of the downspout and the first hours of the flood and the last of the rising and the following two of the downspouts Fishing charter Florida keys. 

Read the sea 

This will allow us to “read” the water and find the right place to make our attempts. This reading consists of determining which are the deepest gutter areas close to the coast. When observing the sea we will notice that there are breakers of the waves and places where it rises making the typical wave, where the gutter is located, being the place of the breaker (white foam) where the sandbank is located. In the areas with little water, the capture of large stingrays is very common and accompanies the fishing for the dogfish. 

Continuing with the reading of the water, we will be able to observe as we circulate that these gutters change their conditions of depth, proximity to the beach, color of the water, currents, etc. We will see places with a very close first gutter, then a sandbank and then a second gutter. This first case is the most common in the Mar de Ajó area. In other sectors there is a very large first gutter and the second is not visible. This case is common around Estancia Romano, near the Querandí Lighthouse and on the CELPA beaches in Mar Chiquita. For dogfish fishing we should try in the first case to cast the tackle in the 2nd gutter looking for a sector in which the first gutter disappears or is very low, in such a way that it allows us to get a little into the sea, reach the sandbar and be able to throw the line to second from there. In the case of a very large first gutter, we will throw the gear as far as possible without having to enter the sea. It is clear that this fishing is attempted in the deepest sector that we find. 

As we know in the sea we have a strong current, until the maximum rising tide (high tide) or the maximum ebbing tide (low tide) occurs, at which time the current decreases until it becomes almost zero, both at high tide and low tide are good times for pike , but if I had to choose one, I would prefer the high tide. Therefore, before doing the excursion it is convenient to plan it properly, with the tide table we calculate the time to be in the fishing place 2 hours before the high tide occurs. 

Learn to Read the Sea 

One of the most practical and simple ways to locate these areas is found in the reading of the interval with which the waves break on the coast. In the Atlantic area, the waves of oceanic origin usually result in the generation of groups made up of three successive waves and clearly differentiated from each other, popularly known by the nickname “the three Marys”. This cadence in the waves that reach our coast will be slowed down in proportion to the depth of the coastal area where they arrive, thus being able to be read one by one with a greater interval between them in those sectors of the coast where it reaches greater depth. 

The areas produced by the accumulation and natural sedimentation of mollusk shells, boulders, pebbles or sand of greater density and that, like small natural platforms, allow us to go deeper into the sea even when nearby areas are flooded, thus becoming splendid fishing posts that allow us to steal those extra meters that sometimes we need to reach the area we are looking for. 

The natural elevation of these sectors above the total level of the coast, as well as their penetration into the sea, will not only allow us to reach remote areas but, as we will see later, they usually form part of the constitution of the ends of the beaches. in ensenada and that, depending on its dimensions, we will be able to make it practicable from some of these privileged positions. 

A walk along the fine sand beach where a clear and concentrated deposit of shells of molluscs or bivalves can be seen is not indicating anything, and it is nothing more than, very possibly and right in front of us, it is probable that there is an area of great nutritional wealth within reach of our lines. 

Finding areas delimited by pebbles or small stones in our sandbanks are an unequivocal sign of nearby deep areas that absorb much of the fine sand from the immediate areas, locating large deposits of wood, branches or highly buoyant elements delimited in a specific area It clearly shows us the place where a powerful current from sea to land “CHUPON” ends with all the transit of food in suspension that this entails. 

See Under Water 

We only see the different places on the coast, when the sea is calm (not flat) and there are no big waves that break from afar and come crashing down. 

We see the deep and shallow areas, due to the waves, waves and breakers, on days with good sea conditions there are two well-defined breakers, one that rises and breaks on the second bank that is further away and another wave a little lower , which rises and breaks on the 1st bank that is nearby, behind the breakers there are slings that do not break, there in the lowest waves, is where the greatest depth of the channel is. 

See by the Color of the Sea 

Light shallow depth, dark deeper, on exceptional days of light green sea, generally with a light wind from the southeast or south, we can see deeper because the sea turns dark green. 

When we get into the water, there is a gentle slope in general and a saw then comes a step and it is where the gutter begins. This depth increases until the gutter ends and where the hole is located, which is the deepest part of the channel. This is why long casts are important when, like or in Querandí Lighthouse, the gutters are wide, the hole is the feeding place for large fish and, seen from the surface, it is where the lowest waves are behind the breaker. Hoya is at the foot of the bank. 

After each southeast, the geography of the coast changes and starts again at low tide to recognize the beaches and relocate the best places. 

Beach fishermen look for the deepest places to fish (especially where there are no stones) suckers and pots are the deepest parts of the gutters, the sucker is a place of passage for the water and the fish that enter and They come out of the channel, therefore preferred sites for large fish that prey on smaller ones. The sucker is a mouth of the gutter that opens in the bank, through which the channel is filled and emptied of water, there the bank is cut in a well-defined way and a street of turbulent water is usually seen that enters perpendicular or diagonally to the sea. In general, the sucker has the shape of a funnel that crosses the bank in every channel, there is one inlet and one outlet, before the mouth of the funnel in the channel there is usually a deep pot. 

The best place to fish when the tide is rising is in the pot on the inlet sucker and when it is ebbing in the second channel on the outlet sucker. 

In the suckers the sea is bristling but without breakers, because it does not raise waves as on the sides where there is a bank, on the sides of the sucker the waves do not advance parallel to the coast, but transversally, they intertwine and collide with each other. At the beach where this sucker’s mouth slopes sharply, the shoreline plummets and you go from knee-to-chest water as you go down the step. On the shore there is usually a blanket of shells and snails. 

The Winds, the State of the Sea etc. 

The wind is fundamental, the fish move against it, with predominantly land winds the varied fishing species approach the shore, with a strong wind from the sea they move away. When this wind is moderate from the sea, it cleans and oxygenates, increasing the activity of the fish, when there are many days of offshore wind and high temperatures clouding the sea, it is the ideal time to have very good varied fishing, otherwise wind of sea refreshes and clarifies the sea water, the varied one occurs when the sun goes down, since the blue and transparent water lets the intense light pass through, these fish (cocks-Dogfish-rays-mongrels are not very fond of a lot of light) , sudden changes in atmospheric pressure is detected by fish as fast as the barometer, That is why it happens that a day or two before a storm the activity of the fish is cut off, which have already withdrawn from the coast. Knowing when such a species enters or moves away from the coast, added to knowing the forecast of the winds in advance, is essential. Looking for bays in which the prevailing wind does not affect them is very good since the fish will use them as a refuge. 

Another important point is the lunar phases, since the fish feed or not according to the movement of the moon. 

2º winds 

This part of the Buenos Aires coast is directly affected by these inclement weather conditions that usually bring us some unpleasant surprises (besides appearing suddenly), which means that the line cannot be pulled out due to the force of the waves, it cannot be casting because of a strong headwind, that the force of the water pulls our line out of the water or, what is worse, that the sea is too broken for the fish not to get close. The ideal is the soft wind from the East or Northeast quadrant sustained for a few days (these have the power to “pull up” clear waters), so that the fish come close to the “green” water from offshore, which can ruin a fabulous day of fishing in this area is the strong wind from the South or Southeast. 

The good winds are the soft ones from the East for the varied in general and for the sharks. The North clouds the water and brings closer the small “blonde” but also the big sea catfish. 

With winds from the South, South East and East that clean the sea and make the water look greenish, fish in the 1st gutter, a buoy can be placed on the lines so that it lifts, North Wind, Northeast the water becomes cloudy, fish in the 2nd gutter. In coastal waters, the most visible colors at 50 meters are predominantly green and yellow. With a SOUTH wind, the clear water is brought closer by the silverside, the north wind; we can say that this muddies the water. So we can look for species that like this condition, among others catfish, when it suddenly changes from north to northeast during the day catfish will surely appear, when it rains, at night and the next day the sea is very ironed with a breeze very soft from the north, first the stripes appear, then the brotolas with the wind This good varied fishing in general since it brings dirtier waters that come with shrimp and behind them the fish. strong south wind and the next day rotating to the east (clear water) good fishing for whiting. With a southerly wind and rotating to the west, ironing croakers as well as with the north, with strong northerly winds and medium stormy good fishing for sea catfish. 

3º winds 

If we take the Querandí Lighthouse, the north and northeast wind will bring warm and dark water while the south and southeast bring cold and clear water, with north, northeast and east and as far as possible well moved where everything stirs is ideal for catfish!! If there is a lot of wind, surely more species of skin than scale will come out (just like when there is a full moon). What the wind does is bring hot or cold water and that makes the hot water species crack if it enters cold and vice versa! The best times are always sunrise and sunset, which are the times where all species commonly feed, catfish and sharks with northeast, which is wind that dirtyes the water and stirs the bottom, give these species a good environment, although In the Querandi, with a smooth south east, first-rate shark fishing has been done. 

Tips for organizing the use of the pool in residential buildings

Summer arrives and with this the heat becomes more unbearable every moment, so the use of the pool in residential buildings is increasingly required. 

However, considering that we are still in a pandemic and that infections have increased in several countries and also in Chile, it is necessary to take extraordinary measures for the use of this common space for the neighbors and thus achieve a peaceful coexistence and give the possibility for everyone to enjoy this benefit that some buildings have buy pool plans. 

How to coordinate all these factors to achieve organization? In this process, the guide provided by the Ministry of Housing, which provides some important tips and advice to be considered, can be of great help to the community. 

6 tips to do the keto diet in a smart way

The ketogenic diet is very popular and well-known these days, however, as with all “fad” diets, many people make simple mistakes when starting out due to ignorance and a lack of a plan tailored to their specific needs ketogenic diet. 


The best-known concept of this diet is that fewer carbohydrates should be eaten, without depriving yourself of protein and fat. The detail is that such a generic statement can cause confusion when choosing the foods to be included in the diet. 


What kind of fats should be consumed? Should carbs be eliminated completely? Are all proteins the same? Are there any side effects? 


To clarify these doubts, we have prepared a list of tips, ideal for all those who are starting out on the ketogenic diet and who want to obtain the best possible results. 


Let us begin! 


  1. Reduce carbohydrates and increase fat intake in a balanced way

The keto diet requires reducing the consumption of carbohydrates and replacing them with fats and proteins, a very drastic change for the body. 


By limiting carbohydrates in the diet, the body burns its glucose stores and then begins using stored fat for fuel. When enough ketones are present in the blood, we enter a state called ketosis. 


While the keto diet is definitely a low carb diet, it is not a “no carb” diet. Be sure not to completely exclude them from your diet.  


  1. Be careful with hydration

The reduction in carbohydrate consumption generated by the keto diet directly affects the fluid balance in the body. 


Our body stores carbohydrates along with water. By reducing carbohydrate intake, we also lose water reserves, which is why when starting the keto diet, it is very common to suffer from symptoms of dehydration. 


Be sure to drink more water per day than you usually do to avoid these symptoms and ensure proper fluid balance in your body.  


Electrolytes are essential minerals for maintaining water balance in the body. When doing the ketogenic diet, these are more difficult to retain and are eliminated in the urine. An easy way to avoid this mistake is to increase the amount of salt in your food. Also, isotonic drinks can be prepared (without adding sugar) and combined with ketogenic supplements. 


  1. Know the side effects of the keto diet

The first few days of the diet can feel a lot like having the flu. It is common to feel headache, weakness or fatigue, muscle cramps, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. 


When you begin the ketosis process, your body breaks down your fat stores to produce small molecules called ketones, which you can use for energy instead of the glucose you normally get from carbohydrates. 


“You’re asking your cells to do something they’re not used to,” says Robert Santos-Prowse, RD, author of The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet. “When you suddenly deprive them of the fuel they’re used to using, there can be a period of sluggishness or brain fog.” Another reason that can worsen the symptoms is the dehydration mentioned above.  


After spending the first days of the diet, the body will get used to it and it will start to feel better. During the transition it is advisable to avoid high-impact sports, 


  1. Include foods rich in Omega-3 in meals

When starting out on the ketogenic diet, be sure to eat foods rich in Omega-3s, particularly those that contain EPA, ALA, and DHA.  


Some examples of foods rich in Omega-3 are tuna, salmon, and shellfish. If you opt for a keto vegetarian diet, you should incorporate chia seeds or chia oil into your diet. Other foods with Omega-3 are flax seeds and avocados. 


  1. Eating meat, in moderation

Did you think that the keto diet is only about protein? That is not entirely true, fats also play an important role. Now would be a good time to memorize this mantra: It takes fat to burn fat. 


“A keto diet essentially swaps the percentages of fat and carbs,” Santos-Prowse explains. That means getting 60% to 90% of your calories from fat and 5% to 10% from carbs. 


The remaining 10% to 35% should come from protein, which is about the same as standard high-carb diets. In other words, the goal is not to fill your plate with meat or chicken. 


So what should be on your plate? At each meal, you should consume 3 to 4 ounces of protein, such as lean beef, chicken, fish, or pork, depending on your macronutrient needs.  


Santos-Prowse suggests including 1/2 cup of non-starchy vegetables (such as leafy greens, broccoli, or cauliflower) and a few servings of healthy fats (such as olive oil, nuts, or avocado). 


  1. Control the intake of cheese, bacon and processed meats

While keto advocates rave about the possibility of eating bacon and cheeseburgers without a bun every day and still lose weight, this could actually cause inflammation issues and affect blood sugar levels.  


One of the benefits of the keto diet is its ability to reduce inflammation, but processed meats and dairy can increase it, not to mention their high in sodium and nitrates.  


Consuming dairy products also causes a spike in our insulin levels, raising blood glucose, which is the opposite of what a ketogenic diet is intended to do. 


For a healthier version of the keto diet, keep processed meats as minimal as possible, choose nitrate-free options, and cut out dairy. 

3 Reasons to invest in Platinum

Platinum was discovered in America in the 16th century, initially believing that it was a metal of little value. To the naked eye it is very similar to silver; and hence his name. But several years after its discovery, platinum was found to be highly durable and corrosion resistant, melting at 1768ºC, which is well above the melting temperature of goldco review. 

In addition, it is a metal that is not abundant, and this is the main reason to invest in platinum. 


  1. Growing demand and low supply

Platinum has great appreciation potential as more and more uses are attributed to it, while its production does not increase in proportion.  

Since the beginning of this century, the average annual demand for platinum has grown by around 20%. During the first quarter of 2021 alone, the global demand for platinum has grown by 26% compared to the same period in 2020. But its extraction is still very expensive due to the fact that it is a difficult task. Specifically, some 170 tons of this metal are unearthed each year, against approximately 3,300 that are extracted for gold. 


  1. New uses for platinum

Sectors such as jewelry, the automotive industry, electronics, the manufacture of medical devices, among others, exert a growing demand for platinum, and this in turn is estimated to increase even more during 2021, since new applications are being attributed to it. industrialists to this precious metal. 


  1. Diversification of your investments

Finally, the reason most directly related to platinum. This, like other precious investment metals such as gold and silver, is a safe haven. In other words, it maintains or even increases its value in times of economic or political uncertainty compared to other types of assets. 

5 Deep Sea Fishing Tips for Beginners

As a beginner to deep sea fishing, there are several things you need to learn. It’s a fun sport and something you’ll likely enjoy for several years. When you’re just starting out, there are several tips to consider Fishing charter Florida keys. Here are the top five deep sea fishing tips for beginners.


  1. Get your license

If you want to go fishing with your family or alone, you will need the proper license. Even with some charters, you will need to have a license to be able to fish in the deep sea.


  1. Follow the weather and tide times

The weather can turn dangerous, but it can also affect the fishing experience. Before you head out on the water, you want to make sure the weather is favorable and you want to check the tide times. The last thing you need is a safety issue due to ocean weather.


  1. Know the basics

As you become more familiar with deep sea fishing, you will learn several advanced strategies. However, as a beginner, you should start with the basics, such as tying the proper knot and using the proper equipment. Having a rod equipped with a bucktail ready to go is a great choice. When you have a rod ready with a lure, you’ll be able to cast any type of fish quickly without taking the time to bait your rig.


One of the most important things a beginner can learn is how a bad knot can cost you the trophy fish you’ve dreamed of catching. The type of knot you tie will make a big difference. You can’t let it slip away, and a badly tied knot can be better than a good loose one.


  1. Understand the types of fish

You want to meet more than one type of fish when you go deep sea fishing. This will help you purchase the correct type of rig and bait for the fish you are after. Understanding how fish travel together and where they tend to go will help you be more successful on the water.


  1. Keep your fishing simple

Beginners to deep sea fishing may be tempted to have multiple rods and rigs in the water at the same time. This can cause additional tangles and can be confusing. Oftentimes, additional dredges and teasers don’t do much to help with catch rate though. Leave multi-teaming in the hands of the experts and start simple.

Where to place a removable pool

When the good weather arrives, we all like to be able to enjoy a detachable pool in our home, since in this way we can take a dip at any time of the day that we want and with the advantages of not having to go to the beach or a public buy pool plans.


Currently we can find a large number of options available to choose from, which means that there are models for all tastes, preferences and needs. However, before choosing one or the other, it is necessary to be clear about where to place a removable pool.


So that you can prepare your garden for its installation, there are a series of tips and recommendations that you must take into account and we are going to talk about all of this below.


Removable pool location

The first thing to do when installing a pool is to determine its location. In order not to make mistakes regarding the place where your removable pool will be located, we recommend that you take the following into account:


  • The installation can be carried out directly on the ground or on a cement or concrete platform, which will be perfectly smooth or even. In the first case it will be necessary to previously prepare the ground based on its inclination to level it.
  • To determine the best location, it is advisable that you choose an area that is not subject to flooding with rain, so that you do not have to worry about adverse weather conditions.
  • Choose an area that is close to a water supply, a drain and an electrical outlet.
  • Check that underground connections do not pass through the place.
  • Find a place in your garden that is protected from the wind and free of trees. This will be recommended to prevent the removable pool from getting dirty with leaves, pollen…
  • To get the most comfortable water temperature, find an area that is as sunny as possible.
  • Having all these tips under control, you will be able to find the area of ​​your home that can best fit these indications.


How to prepare the ground for the installation of a removable pool

In the event that you do not have a completely smooth surface, it will be necessary to prepare the ground, which will involve following a series of steps:



Once the place where you want to place the removable pool has been determined, it will be time to mark it. When doing so, you have two different options to choose from:


  • You can prepare a concrete subbase of the size you need depending on the dimensions of the pool to be installed.
  • You have the possibility of marking directly on the ground. For this you will help yourself with four stakes and a rope. In this case you will have to draw the figure of the pool and, once you have finished doing it, it is advisable that you use a staking spray or similar and thus draw the outline of the space that will be destined for it.

Land leveling

In a second step to be carried out, it is necessary to correctly level the ground. It is very important to pay attention to this aspect, and it is convenient to make sure that it is properly leveled before continuing with the installation.


In order to level the place where the pool will be, you will have to remove the vegetable soil, having to dig at least 20 cm of earth. You must remove and clean all the land of roots, stones and any other element that could damage the removable pool.


A very important point to take into account is that it is important that the leveling is done by digging dirt where it is left over and never adding it. The ground needs to be solid and support the weight of the pool once it is filled with water.


Final finish

To finish with the preparation of the ground, and especially on those occasions when you are going to carry out the installation directly on the ground, it is necessary to spread a thin layer of sifted sand on the ground, to then water it and compact it using of a roller Then you will have to verify again that the surface is completely level.


In the event that you have chosen to install the pool on a concrete base on the ground, the corresponding pouring of the sand and the subsequent compaction would have to be done beforehand.


Once these three steps have been completed, you will have prepared the space in your garden to proceed to install your detachable pool in the best conditions.


Advice for the installation of the swimming pool

Depending on the model of removable pool that you have chosen, the instructions to follow may vary, and you must always follow the instructions marked by the manufacturer. In any case, there are a series of tips and recommendations that you should always keep in mind and which are the following:


  • To start with the installation of the pool, it is recommended that, before getting down to work, you place all the components of the pool on the surface. Take out all the pieces included in the box so you can have them on hand as you need them. This way you can speed up the assembly process and you will be less likely to make a mistake.
  • It is essential to follow step by step the assembly instructions that will be included in the packaging. Depending on whether your removable pool is tubular, with a metal structure…, both the indications and the assembly time will vary. However, in the vast majority of cases it has hardly any difficulty.
  • Be sure to remove any wrinkles from the canvas. In order to enjoy a smooth surface, once you have assembled the pool, before filling it, smooth out all imperfections.
  • Once this is done, you can fill the pool making sure that the drain valve is correctly adjusted to prevent water leaks. Also, check the entire pool to make sure that there are no scratches or breaks that could mean a loss of water.

The ketogenic diet: 5 tips you should know

Surely you have ever heard of the ketogenic diet. This type of diet seems to have become very fashionable in recent times, both for health reasons and to lose weight ketogenic diet. If you are thinking of getting on the train of this type of diet, from Vital Seguro we offer you 5 essential tips so that you can be successful in your endeavor.

What is the ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet is based on a diet that is very low in carbohydrates and high in fat. Following a diet with abundant fats does not seem to be a very healthy option, so we must choose those that are considered “quality”.

This type of diet helps to have more energy and regulates hormonal activity. In addition, it is beneficial for reducing hypertension and lowering triglycerides.

Carrying out a ketogenic diet is not complicated, but if it is not done well it can be dangerous for your health. The Vital Seguro insurance has nutrition coverage in which they can advise and guide you in your diet so that you can lose weight, gain muscle mass and stay in good shape and health.

Tips for a successful ketogenic diet

Some people think they have found heaven on a diet that allows them to eat as much fat as they want. However, it is necessary to do this regimen with common sense so that it does not negatively affect our lives.

By following these simple tips and consulting our nutrition specialists, the ketogenic diet will be no mystery to you.


  1. Eat only healthy fats. If you are not very clear about what fats may or may not be healthy, you can start from the premise of eating only real food. That is, unprocessed food, if you are going to eat meat, it is better to eat a steak and not a pre-cooked hamburger.


  1. Always keep vegetables in your diet in mind. The ketogenic diet seeks to cause a certain effect on your body, but it only requires you to eliminate carbohydrates. Without vegetables, no diet can be healthy, since we get most of the vitamins and fiber our body needs from vegetables.


  1. Hydrate well! Do not forget to drink water or other fluids to maintain good hydration. In addition to being essential for health, it contributes to the feeling of satiety and helps cleanse the body of impurities.


  1. Limit your protein intake. In the same way that we have recommended the introduction of vegetables in the diet, we advise you not to exceed the recommended amount of daily protein. If you have any doubts about it, with our expert nutritionist insurance they will be able to advise you and help you to follow the diet in a healthy way.


  1. Be consistent. Look for a realistic eating routine that you will be able to maintain. There is no use setting unrealistic goals that can only be carried out for a couple of days. Constancy is the key to the success of all diets. Be patient and think that eating well is something that must be done for the rest of your life.

Guide to invest in gold

Now yes: knowing how to invest gold in Chile is simple. CFDs or contracts for difference are a great option to invest in the stock market for this precious metal.

The advantage is that CFDs are derivatives where no physical assets are traded, but the only thing that matters is the opening and closing prices. In addition, it has a term specified by the stock market and an expiration date in which all operations are closed goldco review; therefore, they are usually short-term transactions, allowing faster profits, as well as higher investment volumes.

Likewise, it is possible to know the price charts of raw materials in real time, so that you know the best time to open an operation.

The steps to invest are:

Step 1: Open an account to trade on our site or on another digital trading platform.

Works at the same time as an online broker, so you will save the step of hiring an external intermediary. If so, the person must have at least ten years of experience and we recommend taking commission into account.

Step 2: Evaluate the market and determine the money to invest.

It is time to design the objectives in the medium and long term, as well as the strategies to be implemented. Every trader has to evaluate the risks he is willing to take when starting to trade in the stock market.

Step 3: Choosing the trading strategy.

The stock market has its own hours and there are certain strategies that fit perfectly. In virtual operations there are investment options that last hours, days or weeks. It is necessary to review the price of both gold and silver on the precious metals list on a daily basis.

Step 4: Open the purchase operation and deposit the investment.

Now you know how to invest in gold, what are you waiting for to add this asset to your investment portfolio? Don’t worry: you can always practice first with the free demo account offered, so that you become confident with the tools and strategies before putting your real money on the table. And then, yes, to invest in this precious metal.

Importance of customer analytics in eCommerce

An eCommerce may be doing everything related to email marketing very well, they can develop incredible product texts, manage their RRSS excellently, or even carry out a perfect PPC strategy, however, how do you decide to dedicate your time to an action or other? The answer is in customer analytics ecommerce inspector. In this post, I am going to tell you what it is and how important it is in the world of eCommerce, as well as how it can improve your strategy. Let’s go there.

Customer analytics refers to the collection of data that tells us what customers are interacting with, how, and for how long. Once obtained, this data is interpreted, helping us to understand the different segments of our customers.

Even if you don’t imagine it, many of the marketing actions that you analyze in your day to day have customer analytics behind them. For example:

  • Number of daily page views.
  • The number of users who click on a featured landing page offer.
  • Percentage of users who bounce compared to how many stay to visit another page.
  • Average amount of time spent on a web page.
  • All of these metrics, in context, can help you better understand how your site is performing, right?

However, these metrics change all the time, and some of the factors may be out of your control. If you have below-average page views on a Saturday, it could be because you just changed your Google Ads keywords, or perhaps the majority of your audience prefers to shop during the week.

To understand it you only need to dig deeper, and thus, if you take a closer look at the data, you can begin to make more accurate decisions based on information.

In an ecommerce it is evident that the reference tool to do customer analytics is Google Analytics, however, it is necessary to carry out a more in-depth analysis related to the shopping experience of your customers with your eCommerce, and for this you will need other tools and techniques such as Machine Learning. Additionally, Google Analytics is limited to the website and does not always provide a complete picture of the performance of broader marketing activities, such as email marketing performance or much more complex transactional information.

In the end, the depth of that analysis will depend on the amount of data you are able to collect, as well as the tools you have for it. But how can customer analytics improve your eCommerce?

How customer analytics can improve your eCommerce strategies.

Experience, hunches or even assumptions have rarely been right. However, collecting, analyzing and making decisions based on that data is usually the best option, clearly going in your favor.

An online business has a tremendous capacity to collect data, and it is a waste that it does not use it to increase sales of new customers, improve retention, optimize the customer experience or even create prescribers, improving engagement. This is accomplished with:


  1. An understanding of what your customer’s value is.

This is done with a technique called RFM, in which three dimensions are measured: How recent has that customer been buying? How often do they buy? And how much have you spent in total? And based on this, segments are created with said clients, in order to be able to establish different and independent strategies for each one of them.

Thanks to the application of this type of customer analytics, your eCommerce will be able to carry out more personalized and effective marketing, with specific and relevant offers for the right groups of customers, thus increasing engagement.


  1. Customer retention.

Typically, regular customers are responsible for at least 40% of a brand’s revenue. That is why for an eCommerce, focusing on customer retention is essential and one of the best ways to reduce customer acquisition costs (CAC). Along the same lines, the repeat purchase rate (RPR) is another metric that you should not stop tracking in your online business. This tells you how many customers return to make a second purchase. If this number is too low, you probably want to start putting more effort into a customer retention strategy.

A successful strategy could include creating more educational content to teach customers about the benefits of your product, or it could be creating a rewards program to influence the customer’s next purchase. Regardless of the method you use, customer retention should always be a top priority.


  1. User commitment.

Just because shoppers visit your website and see your content, it doesn’t mean they’re interacting with it. The difference between a website that provides value and one that just scratches the surface lies in customer analytics. In this case, through bounce rates and time on page.

If you find these numbers are bad (high bounce rate and low average time on page), think about how you can add value to different touch points throughout their customer journey. For example, if you find that site visitors only spend a few seconds on your home page, you could try inserting a video on your home page that tells your brand story.


  1. In-app purchases.

Conversions are probably the most important result measure for any eCommerce. Therefore, if your online business has a presence or you plan to have it on mobile devices and applications, this is a measure that you must take into account, separating it by device.

Similar to mobile adoption, you can segment your customer analytics by device. To get a better understanding of in-app purchases specifically, you’ll want to look at goals and conversion rates. Once you have these numbers, compare them to what you’re seeing using desktop.

If you see a relatively low number of in-app purchases compared to mobile adoption and number of users, chances are you need to start thinking about how to optimize the mobile experience, either by creating a more convenient payment method fluid or rethinking its design to better fit the mobile user experience.


  1. Product recommendation systems.

These allow customers to be offered the products that may interest them the most based on factors such as their purchase history or their behavior in the browsing session itself. The way to achieve this is through Machine Learning that is part of customer analytics. In ML, data is its raw material, and both retail and ecommerce are capable of generating a large quantity and variety of it. That is why online commerce is one of the great promoters of this discipline.


  1. Internal product search engines and chatbots.

This is also achieved through Machine Learning, which helps your eCommerce users to find products more directly by describing some of their features through text. In the case of chatbots, as we all know, it allows customers to experience a conversation as if it were with a human person, when behind it is software that is capable of answering the most frequently asked questions.


  1. Visual search engines.

Also through Machine Learning, through an image entered in said search engine, it is able to recognize a product that we want to buy or even offer us other products with a similar appearance. These types of tools can be incorporated both into mobile applications, which allow the camera to be used to take a photo on which the product will be searched, and to web platforms, and it is beginning to be used mainly in fashion stores, with results that double and triple the conversion for customers who use them.


  1. Dynamic price adjustment.

The price is in many cases, one of the main determinants of the sale of a product, and assuming that we have to play at a single price for any profile that visits your online store, is to miss hundreds of conversion opportunities, if that price was adjusted to the personal characteristics of that consumer. With analytics and Machine Learning, you can manage to establish different prices depending on the business situation, the characteristics of the client and even the competition. Here we can find the case of Amazon, which uses information on the demand for the product on the web, the user’s purchase history and the availability both in the competition and in the different providers of the marketplace, to show the most attractive price for the customer. .


  1. The use of a CDP or Customer Data Platform.

A Customer Data platform will allow your online store to automatically integrate all the data, connecting with external sources that help you enrich the unique customer files that this platform will store. In addition, these platforms connect with other external outbound tools, which draw on the information from your CDP to fine-tune the campaigns you launch.

Sports Betting Basics

Americans tend to love different sports just as much as they have grown to love gambling. So, what could be more brilliant than the revolution of sports betting. Since the beginning of sports, fans have found much enjoyment in predicting who they think will be the victors, and picking their overall favorite teams. With every single sport, there will be games that all the fans and sports buff talk about endlessly 토토사이트. When sports buffs place bets on who they think will win a particular game, instead of just speculating, it is known as the knew evolution of sports gambling.

Although it can become somewhat addicting, sports gambling is intended for fun and entertainment, as well as a way to build stronger bonds with friends with similar interests in sports. There is no minimum betting amount when you are betting with friends on a certain sporting event, so there is no danger of spending, or losing, all of your money. You can spend very little money this way, and still have a great time while having a chance to win some money. Sports gambling can make the outcome of a sporting game more exciting, while adding thrill to the duration of the entire sporting event or game. The following paragraphs will discuss some of the basics involved in sports gambling.

In regards to sports gambling, in order to place a bet, you have to locate a sports book, or an establishment that accepts bets on sports or sporting events. There are only four states in the United States that can legally place sports bets, so if you do not live in these states, you may want to place all your sports bets online via the internet. As long as you are of legal age, which is over 21, you can also find a bookie to place all your sports bets for you. Most sports bets are placed on professional and college sports teams, although there are other sports people commonly bet on. These sports include:

* horse races * dog races * bowling * boxing

You can bet on anything involving sports teams, events, or athletes – from the combined score of the participants in a game, to who you predict will win a sporting event, or game. All you have to do is consider the statistical odds of who will win, then place your bet accordingly.

In reference to sports gambling, there are different kinds of bets that can be placed. These types of bets include:

* straight bets * parlays * teasers * over/unders

When placing sports bets, the most common type of sports bet is a basic straight bet. This is simply where you pick a team or person to win or lose, and place a monetary bet. To mix things up a bit, and to make sports betting more interesting, combinations of factors are combined to establish the grounds for all other types of sports betting.