Choosing a good game may seem complicated, but we help you make it easier

Games are becoming more and more popular and it is common to find them in all types of shops, but they do not have much coverage in the media, so players’ doubts are usually not answered. How do you know if a game is good or fun? What is the best way to choose a game? We give you some indications to help you choose monkey knife fight review.

Select a theme that appeals to you

In each game you play you enter imaginary worlds to have fun with your friends or family, you can travel back in time to visit different places and moments that help you forget you’re day to day and maybe remember what it was like to have fun when you were a child. . It is important that the setting of the game you choose allows players to let their imaginations run wild.

Appearance and design are important

The quality of the materials and components, the illustrations and the visual design of the game help to make a game more attractive and are a very important part of making the gaming experience enjoyable.

Knowing how many players are going to participate and the time available is essential

There are games that take several hours to finish a game, there are others in which several games can be played in one hour. There are games designed for practically any number of players, some games can participate up to dozens of players, others are for two players and there are even games to play alone.

Fantasy Flight Games finder

To facilitate the task we have designed a game search engine that shows you all the titles in our catalog arranged in different ways.

When clicking on the Games tab, the Universes section appears. Here are gathered the games that belong to the most popular and most extensive sagas in our catalog such as Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones or The Myths of Cthulhu. Discover in this way all the titles set in your favorite saga.

The search by Type shows you our games ordered by the type of game that may interest you the most. Here you can see the games in our catalog arranged taking into account their setting or game mechanics. This is the section to find a game about Zombies, or Exploration, are you interested in games based on Mythology? This is the right search section for you.

If you are already a fan of games, surely you have some favorite authors. In the search by Author you will be able to know all the works of the authors of the titles in our catalog or see all the titles of your favorite author.