What are the types of industrial fishing?

There are several factors that affect the classification of industrial fishing and one of the most prominent is the area in which said fishing is carried out Fishing charter Florida keys. Based on this, the following classification is obtained:


Coastal fishing

For this type of fishing, the fishing boats should position themselves near the coastal areas, that is, they will not have to go offshore, it is perhaps one of the least implemented industrial or commercial fishing practices, since it has generated problems of overexploitation.


High fishing

Deep-sea fishing is carried out on the high seas, the boats and their crews move out to sea to begin the task and carry it out for days, that is, the fishing is not left in the ports again. This is why the boats must have the necessary machinery to store the fish and be able to keep it in good condition until they return.

They have refrigeration systems, probes and other technological advances that are necessary to carry out this practice.


Deep sea fishing

Under this name is described the fishing in which different boat fleets fish together, where provision boats are used to supply the others, because the fishing task can be very extended.

This type of fishing is common, in countries like Japan and Russia, in which different practices are used to keep the fish in good condition, salting and freezing are the most common.

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