5 ways to increase testosterone naturally

Testosterone is an essential hormone to stay active and strong, and these are some ways to increase it naturally remedio para impotencia masculina.

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, but it is not only important when it comes to feeling desire or having sex. In fact, for men, testosterone is essential to fulfill all vital functions, to control metabolism, and to increase muscle mass.

Believing that women do not have testosterone is a mistake. It is also present in them, although in a smaller amount. However, it is also not bad that they worry about keeping it within acceptable levels.

Therefore, these tips that are mainly intended for men – and even more for those who want to increase their muscle mass – can be useful for anyone.


  1. Limit sugar consumption

Eating sugar increases the level of insulin in the blood. The increase in this substance directly influences testosterone, causing it to decrease.


  1. Lower stress levels

Another hormone that is directly related to testosterone is cortisol. This is the hormone that is released when we are exposed to stressful situations, and they work in reverse: if cortisol goes up, testosterone goes down.

This is because when we are in a state of anxiety and we need to lower cortisol levels, blood estrogen increases, which is the female equivalent to testosterone, but which is also present in men and women.


  1. Sleep properly

When you sleep too little, your body feels it, and a lot. Surely you already know that this has many negative health effects, including slowing down metabolism and vital functions, which reduces testosterone levels in your body.

One study found that sleeping only five hours a night was related to a 15% reduction in testosterone levels.


  1. Wear baggy underwear

This applies only to men, but it is important. For a good testosterone production, the testicles need to be at an approximate temperature of 36ÂșC. Wearing baggy underwear helps in this. On the other hand, if the clothes are very tight, the temperature can rise and complicate the production of the hormone.


  1. Incorporate vitamin D

Vitamin D has been gaining popularity in recent times, since it has been discovered that it has great health benefits. Among them, it stimulates the production of testosterone. According to research, in a year, having adequate levels of vitamin D can increase testosterone levels by up to 25%.

Although there are supplements to incorporate this vitamin, the best way to obtain it is naturally. How? Exposing yourself responsibly to the sun every day.

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